
2023 June

Young Talent Exchange

The idea for the Young Talent Exchange happened some years ago and has since seen exchanges between the US, the Netherlands, Argentina, Ireland, Poland and France.

Done Deals - Agri, Food & Beverages Industry Group

Cigno, our Partner in Denmark, recently closed a sell-side deal in this sector, merging two companies and supporting the creation of a new one. Click here for more information. Sigma, our Partner in Greece, also closed a deal with two Greek companies, this time a buy-side transaction. Click here to get more information. To get to know the Agri, Food & Beverage team, please click here.

Save the Date - 15 to 17 November - Dublin Convention

M&A WORLDWIDE INDUSTRY GROUPS - Jens Moller handed leadership over to Peter Feher

Our Industry Groups are now preparing to become more professional with several initiatives. We summarize it in our nine active Industry Groups, so please click here for more information.

Robbinex is the only M&A Firm in the world with ISO 9001-2015 Certificate